Zion Baptist Church (ZBC) offers three scholarship options. All applicants must be an active member of ZBC and a participant in at least one ministry for a minimum of six (6) months.  

  • The Deadline for fall semester applications is June 23, 2022 for both initial and subsequent year scholarships.
  • Submission of the 1st semester grades is due January 26, 2023.
  • Initial spring enrollment applications are due January 26, 2023.

***To Give to any of the below scholarships, click GIVE to access the giving tab. 

Once you have chosen the the way in which you would like to give you will see Scholarship fund as an option.***

Dr. Mary Claybon Watson

The Dr. Mary F. Claybon Watson Scholarship will be given to interested applicants who are high school seniors and plan to pursue a nursing degree or a current college student who is enrolled in a Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse program at an accredited college or university.

Slaughter Scholarship

The Slaughter Family Scholarship will be administered by The Church and awarded to high school senior applicants only who are entering as a freshman.  The scholarship will be administered on a one-time basis.

Willie Conyers ZBC Scholarship

This Scholarship will award scholarships to college sophomores through seniors. Consideration will be given for subsequent year scholarships with continued enrollment, submission of an application and official transcript. The maximum awards will be four years to include summer programs.